alternative medicine noun

Domenico Capilongo



definition of alternative medicine

: any of various systems of healing or treating disease (such as chiropractic, homeopathy, or faith healing) not included in the traditional medical curricula of the U.S. and Britain


hidden whispers of ingredients found only in sicily. smuggled in the hollow bottoms of suitcases. we had to wait for nonna to visit, unpack, and ration them out. roots, leaves, or lemons wrapped carefully in napkins. powders for cuts, top-quality bandages, creams for all ailments. little treasures stuffed in the back of the bathroom medicine cabinet. fizzy brioschi for stomach aches was my favourite. I would steal the deep blue plastic bottle and shake some out like nuts. the twisty white granules piling in the palm of my hand, worm-like. the fizz filling my swollen cheeks. one day, my toddler brother was caught in the grip of a screaming fit in a dark greek restaurant on the danforth. the waitress, shocked, whispered, malocchio, the evil eye. my mother’s face went white. she knew what she had to do. long distance telephone calls, drops of olive oil in bowls of water. a series of prayers and the wringing of hands. until he stopped.



Domenico Capilongo is a Toronto high-school creative writing teacher and Karate instructor. His first two books of poetry, I thought elvis was italian, hold the note and short fiction collection, Subtitles, were shortlisted for several awards. His latest books of poetry, send, is about the way we communicate. His work has been featured in several anthologies as well as national and international literary journals. He has recently finished a manuscript about words that were born in the 1970s. He also writes an interview series called Un Momento for italocanadese.com. Find out more about him at: domcapilongo.wixsite.com/home

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